6 Steps to Simplify Your Brand Story

Stories unite and bridge gaps. They create connections and humanize. Most of all, they provide meaning. 

But why is storytelling important for brands?
Stories make things stick. When you hear a well-told story, you’re likely to remember it. In fact, according to psychologist Jerome Bruner’s book, “Actual Minds, Possible Worlds,” facts are 22 times more likely to be remembered if they are part of a story. 

If brands begin sharing their messages and missions in story form, audiences will start to remember them. Stories also foster brand connections, establish identity, and deepen brand-to-consumer relationships. Brand storytelling has become a crucial component of successful marketing, no matter the industry.

If you’re interested in brand storytelling but aren’t sure where to start, follow these easy steps to simplify your brand story. Your brand story should answer what you do, who you serve, how you do it, and most importantly WHY you do it - all within just a few sentences. It’s a challenging but critical starting point to lay the foundation for successful brand storytelling long-term. 

Here are 6 steps to simplify your brand story:

1. Start with your “Why.”

Why does your brand exist? What is the deeper motivation behind your brand and the impact you want to make through it? Customers don’t care about what you do, they care about why you do it. 

Here’s an example: Apple makes great computers. But that’s not WHY they do what they do. Apple’s why is to challenge the status quo. It’s a simple yet profound statement that fully encompasses every product, approach, and message that Apple has ever released. 


2. Define your brand’s role in one word.

If you were to give your brand’s role a title, what would it be? Are you a waymaker, innovator, caregiver, or rebel? Or perhaps your title is something entirely new and unusual.

Similarly to character archetypes, simplifying what your brand’s role is in one word can often be helpful in providing direction for your storytelling efforts.

3. Simplify the brand.

What does your brand actually do? Who do you serve and how do you do it?

Developing clear and concise answers to these questions will help you to simplify your brand story in a way that connects, while informing customers. It will also help to narrow your focus towards one holistic mission.

4. Think about how you want people to feel when they engage with your brand. 

What persona do you want to evoke? Are there specific emotions you aspire audiences to feel during interactions with the brand?

Clarifying “who” you want your brand to be will give your brand story - and brand communications in general - a clearer direction. 

5. Decide what your brand stands for. 

A simplified brand story should encompass the full breadth of a brand’s values. It should signal to the audience what ideals they’re supporting with their purchase or donation - a factor that’s proven to influence the 71% of consumers who make purchasing decisions that reflect their personal values. 

6. Simplify your brand story. Then simplify it again.

The more concise and simple a story is, the more it will stick. Use steps 1 - 5 to construct your brand story. Then, continue to rework and simplify that story until it can’t be sliced and diced any further. Focus on what’s truly compelling about your brand story and remove any fluff. The end result should be 3-4 sentences that fully encompass your brand.

These steps will help you to simplify your brand story and amplify your storytelling efforts. Using your brand story as a Northstar, you can start building content pillars and brand strategies that are holistically aligned with your story. With these foundations in place, you’ll be able to foster deeper connections with your customers, establish a memorable brand identity, and create content that sticks.

Interested in learning more about how to simplify your brand story? Download your free copy of the Impact Storytelling Guide.

Jordyn Kerr